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For millennia, devotees, priests and scholars have been fascinated by the enchanting personality of Shiva. Represented as ‘Shakti’ itself, Shiva is the most powerful god of the Hindu pantheon. Hinduism views Lord Shiva as the personification of the Supreme Godhead or the absolute principle. That is why he is also worshipped in the form of Linga which symbolizes the source of all cosmos.He is one of the three Gods of the Hindu trinity, who represent Creation, Preservation, and Destruction. Shiva is the destroyer. Not only the destroyer of creation when the time comes, but also the destroyer of ignorance and the destroyer of misery. There is an entire branch of Hinduism who puts Shiva as the One True God (Shivites/Shivaism). Lord Shiva is the primordial entity that existed before any second thing came forth and also the final entity that shall remain after all the created worlds are dissolved. There is yet another expression that addresses Shiva as Pashupati or the head of all the animals. In this expression, all that is created are addressed as Pashu and Shiva then becomes the Pathi or the leader of the created beings getting the name Pashupati.“Fire is His head, the sun and the moon His eyes, space His ears, the Vedas His speech, the wind His breath, the universe His heart.
From His feet, the Earth has originated. Verily, He is the inner self of all beings.”
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Why Worship Shiva?

It is he who destroys what is no longer good or needed in order to pave the way for rebirth. He can destroy bad karma when you are devoted to him and he can grant you long life. He crushes ignorance beneath his feet and loves his devotees so much that he has granted blessings to people who worshiped him without realizing it. He is both a family man and one who meditates.He is almighty and the ultimate reality.  He is indestructible and the real Godfather of all souls. Lord-Shankara (Shiva) is better known as the ocean of knowledge and is the seed of this ‘Human Creation’. He is the only one who is pre-eminent to be born by himself and is believed to be very gracious, soft-hearted who never demands any special set of rituals & special- dedication from his followers /devotee.Shiva worshipped as Natraj best brings out this Mahadev principle. Lord Natraj is the dancing form of Lord Shiva. He is shown to be engaged in a cosmic dance. He has in him all the five elements namely sky (symbolized by the double drum or the percussion instrument he holds in his hand), air (symbolized by the deer he holds in his hands), fire (held in one of the hands), water (the holy Ganges flowing from his matted hair), and earth (the holy ash smeared all over his body) & because HE IS ..

Adi- Guru (Sapta- Rishi)

Lord Shiva is an Adi- Guru of Sapta- Rishi and those seven celebrated sages (Sapta- Rishis) are worshipped and admired enthusiastically in Hindu Tradition as his favorite disciples. Lord Shiva taught him about Indian spiritual and austere discipline including- breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures widely was observed for health and relaxation.

Aghoris God

एक अघोरी जब इस अस्तित्व को अपनाता है तो वह उससे प्रेम के चलते नहीं अपनाता, वह इतना सतही या कहें उथला नहीं है, बल्कि वह जीवन को अपनाता है। वह अपने भोजन और मल को एक ही तरह से देखता है।

Bhairava who is a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva is being worshipped by ‘Aghoris’. Aghoris are white Ashed- skinned Shiva followers who are dressed in black clothes, with long black hair. These peculiar and anomalous people have Rudraksha garlands around their necks, Kamandal and human Skulls (Kapals) in their hands. The pictorial representation of Lord Shiva depicts the love towards Aghoris.  He is often seen as Lord of Aghoris with full of ash (Bhasma) on his body for his ferocious devotees.

Yoga Guru/Adi-Yogi

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Shiva is the symbolic representation of all the Yoga, Meditation and Consciousness. As stated in Vedas, Shiva is the second being that came into existence and the first one who followed the principles of Yoga. Hence he is prominent as- ancient Adi Yogi and is supposed to be in the state of meditation for most of the time. The lord feels inner-satisfaction and bliss in this conscious state as he was the one who first put this seed into the human mind.

Shmashana Adhipati

Shiva is also known as ‘Shmashana Adhipati’ which means ‘the one who rules the Crematorium’. According to Hindu Mythology, a sage inscribed Lord Shiva as the inhabitant of the cremation ground. He’s someone who lives in the graves and acclaimed as- Shamshana Adhipati for his wholehearted admirers. Lord Shiva is the one who is considered as the God residing in burial grounds indicating his disregard/inattention for the worldly pleasures.

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Peace Lover

Lord Shiva is a Lord of Destructor as per the former legends and is well-known for his fierce nature among his devotees. However, the truth is that he is not at all short-tempered God and loves peace and tranquillity. Lord Shiva is prominent as- Ishaan– who is one of his secret names that betokened as ‘the calm one’.

Mohini beloved

21 Unheard Short Stories of “MahaDeva”.
Mohini is one of the most beautiful ladies in Hindu Mythology. She is actually one of the Lord Vishnu’s Female Avatars (Incarnations). Once Shiva got attracted towards Mohini (Lord Vishnu’s woman manifestation) at the time of the churning of the ocean by the celestials and the demons to obtain Amruta-nectar (Amrita- Ambrosia) from the Asuras(Demons). Later on, Shiva embraced Vishnu in the form of Mohini and from their love union, the child God Ayappa Swamy was born.

How He Is Worshipped ?
Worshiping Shiva in any form allows us to connect with him as a formless being with neither beginning nor end. Its phallic shape represents life, energy, and progeny. It is said that this is the best way to worship Shiva in the current age (the Kali Yuga). To do a Shiva linga puja at home you will need:
  • a bell or conch shell (and know how to blow the shell to produce a sound)
  • Any five of the following liquids: water from the Ganges, Honey, Sugarcane Juice, Cow’s Milk, Yogurt, Ghee, Seawater, Coconut Water, Fragrant Oils, Rose Water.
  • (optional) A set of japa mala beads to count mantras on
  • Sandalwood paste
  • Fresh Flowers
  • Fruits and/or sweets
  • Incense (or camphor)
  • a lamp or candle on a tray
  • Vibhuti (white ash)
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How Shiva Married Parvati 

Parvati is an incarnation of Shakti, feminine energy. She was born to draw Shiva out of his meditative asceticism and bring him back to caring for the world. A powerful demon was torturing humanity and devas alike. No one could defeat him except, it was said, Shiva’s child. But Shiva’s wife Sati had died and he was meditating alone in a cave, not interested in coming back into the world. People prayed to the great Goddess (Mahadevi) and she incarnated herself in Parvati, born to the king of the Himalayan mountains.
When she grew up, Parvati went to Shiva to make him fall in love with her and marry her, but he would not even open his eyes or respond to her at all. She tried everything she could think of: decorating his cave, bringing him flowers and sweets, even getting Kama (God of desire) to shoot Shiva with arrows of lust. Shiva was so annoyed that he opened his third eye and reduced Kama to ash.
The Gods were very worried that now men would no longer desire women and the human race would fall apart. Parvati determined that Kama could be reborn as their child if she could just get Shiva to love her.
So she took a different tac and began meditation and austerities as well. She lived in the forest and did not eat or shield herself with clothing. The ascetics of the forest were very impressed with her. After some time, Shiva was impressed as well. He stopped his meditating and emerged from the cave to marry her. She reawakened in him his care for the world. Shiva was able to become a perfect blend of family man and hermit.

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            कौन हैं महादेव शिव?
शिव पुराण - भयावह और सुंदर दोनों तरह के चित्रण हैं शिव के
आमतौर पर पूरी दुनिया में लोग जिसे भी दैवीय या दिव्य मानते हैं, उसका वर्णन हमेशा अच्छे रूप में ही करते हैं। लेकिन अगर आप शिव पुराण को पूरा पढ़ें तो आपको उसमें कहीं भी शिव का उल्लेख अच्छे या बुरे के तौर पर नहीं मिलेगा। उनका जिक्र सुंदरमूर्ति के तौर पर हुआ है, जिसका मतलब ‘सबसे सुंदर’ है। लेकिन इसी के साथ शिव से ज्यादा भयावह भी कोई और नहीं हो सकता। 

जो सबसे खराब चित्रण संभव हो, वह भी उनके लिए मिलता है। शिव के बारे में यहां तक कहा जाता है कि वह अपने शरीर पर मानव मल मलकर घूमते हैं। उन्होंने किसी भी सीमा तक जाकर हर वो काम किया, जिसके बारे में कोई इंसान कभी सोच भी नहीं सकता था। अगर किसी एक व्यक्ति में इस सृष्टि की सारी विशेषताओं का जटिल मिश्रण मिलता है तो वह शिव हैं। अगर आपने शिव को स्वीकार कर लिया तो आप जीवन से परे जा सकते हैं।
इंसान के जीवन का सबसे बड़ा संघर्ष यह चुनने की कोशिश है कि क्या सुंदर है और क्या भद्दा, क्या अच्छा है और क्या बुरा? लेकिन अगर आप हर चीज के इस भयंकर संगम वाली शख्सियत को केवल स्वीकार कर लेते हैं तो फि र आपको कोई समस्या नहीं रहेगी।

योगी, नशेड़ी और अघोरी शिव

वह सबसे सुंदर हैं तो सबसे भद्दे और बदसूरत भी। अगर वो सबसे बड़े योगी व तपस्वी हैं तो सबसे बड़े गृहस्थ भी। वह सबसे अनुशासित भी हैं, सबसे बड़े पियक्कड़ और नशेड़ी भी। वे महान नर्तक हैं तो पूर्णत: स्थिर भी। इस दुनिया में देवता, दानव, राक्षस सहित हर तरह के प्राणी उनकी उपासना करते हैं। शिव के बारे में तमाम हजम न होने वाली कहानियों व तथ्यों को तथाकथित मानव सभ्यता ने अपनी सुविधा से हटा दिया, लेकिन इन्हीं में शिव का सार निहित है। उनके लिए कुछ भी घिनौना व अरुचिकर नहीं है। शिव ने मृत शरीर पर बैठ कर अघोरियों की तरह साधना की है। घोर का मतलब है - भयंकर। अघोरी का मतलब है कि ‘जो भयंकरता से परे हो’। शिव एक अघोरी हैं, वह भयंकरता से परे हैं। भयंकरता उन्हें छू भी नहीं सकती।Image result for mahadeva shiva BEST  blogs

शिव खुद जीवन हैं

कोई भी चीज उनमें घृणा नहीं पैदा कर सकती। वह हर चीज को, सबको अपनाते हैं। ऐसा वह किसी सहानुभूति, करुणा या भावनाओं के चलते नहीं करते, जैसा कि आप सोचते होंगे। वे सहज रूप से ऐसा करते हैं, क्योंकि वो जीवन की तरह हैं। जीवन सहज ही हरेक को गले लगाता व अपनाता है। 
वह हर चीज को, सबको अपनाते हैं। ऐसा वह किसी सहानुभूति, करुणा या भावनाओं के चलते नहीं करते, जैसा कि आप सोचते होंगे। वे सहज रूप से ऐसा करते हैं, क्योंकि वो जीवन की तरह हैं। 
समस्या सिर्फ आपके साथ है कि आप किसे अपनाएं व किसे छोड़ें और यह समस्या मानसिक समस्या है, न कि जीवन से जुड़ी समस्या। यहां तक कि अगर आपका दुश्मन भी आपके बगल में बैठा है तो आपके भीतर मौजूद जीवन को उससे भी कोई दिक्कत नहीं होगी। आपका दुश्मन जो सांस छोड़ता है, उसे आप लेते हैं। आपके दोस्त द्वारा छोड़ी गई सांसें आपके दुश्मन द्वारा छोड़ी गई सांसों से बेहतर नहीं होती है। दिक्कत सिर्फ मानसिक या कहें मनोवैज्ञानिक स्तर पर है। अस्तित्व के स्तर पर देखा जाए तो कोई समस्या नहीं है।

अघोरी शिव - प्रेम और करुणा से भी परे

एक अघोरी कभी भी प्रेम की अवस्था में नहीं रहता है। दुनिया के इस हिस्से की आध्यात्मिक प्रक्रिया ने कभी भी आपको प्रेम करना, दयालु या करुणामय होना नहीं सिखाया। यहां इन भावों को आध्यात्मिक नहीं, बल्कि सामाजिक माना जाता है। दयालु होना और अपने आसपास के लोगों को देखकर मुस्कुराना, पारिवारिक व सामाजिक शिष्टाचार है। एक इंसान में इतनी समझ तो होनी ही चाहिए, इसलिए यहां किसी ने सोचा ही नहीं कि ये चीजें भी सिखानी जरूरी हैं। 
घोर का मतलब है - भयंकर। अघोरी का मतलब है कि ‘जो भयंकरता से परे हो’। शिव एक अघोरी हैं, वह भयंकरता से परे हैं। भयंकरता उन्हें छू भी नहीं सकती।
एक अघोरी जब इस अस्तित्व को अपनाता है तो वह उससे प्रेम के चलते नहीं अपनाता, वह इतना सतही या कहें उथला नहीं है, बल्कि वह जीवन को अपनाता है। वह अपने भोजन और मल को एक ही तरह से देखता है। उसके लिए जिंदा और मरे हुए शरीर में कोई अंतर नहीं है। वह एक सजी संवरी देह और व्यक्ति को उसी भाव से देखता है, जैसे एक सड़े हुए शरीर को। इसकी सीधी सी वजह है कि वह पूरी तरह से जीवन बन जाना चाहता है। वह अपनी दिमागी या मानसिक सोचों के जाल में नहीं फंसना चाहता।


“Fire is His head, the sun and the moon His eyes, space His ears, the Vedas His speech, the wind His breath, the universe His heart.
From His feet, the Earth has originated. Verily, He is the inner self of all beings.”
― Anonymous, The Upanishads: Translations from the Sanskrit
“I am Shakti, as well as Shiva. I am everything male and female, light and dark, flesh and spirit. Perfectly balanced in one single moment lasting an eternity...”
― Robin Rumi
“When Shiva beats his Damru – Evil Shakes; while the Wise Awakes!”
― True Krishna Priya
"This is the gist of all worship: to be pure and to do good to others. He who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Shiva. And if he sees Shiva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary. He who has served and helped one poor man seeing Shiva in him, without thinking of his caste or creed or race or anything, with him Shiva is more pleased than with the man who sees Him only in temples."
― Swami Vivekananda
"Lord Shiva is seated deep in everyone’s heart. He is Nirguna (One who is without form or its attributes). He is Nirakaar (Has no shape or form), and He is the Para-Brahman (Supreme transcendental Consciousness) that is all pervading. Believe in this. This is Rudra Puja"
― Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
"Shiva and Shakti are indistinguishable. They are one. They are the universe. Shiva isn't masculine. Shakti isn't feminine. At the core of their mutual penetration, the supreme consciousness opens."
― Daniel Odier
"Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does he have the power to create."
― Soundarya
"Being a seeker means no matter what the Vedas said, what Krishna or Shiva said, you have to know the truth in your own experience."
― Jaggi Vasudev
"Shiva is Chidambaram, like the inner sky. Shiva is the inner sky of consciousness."

― Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Source:- Rgyan, Speakingtree, Isha.Sadhguru, Patheos, Google Images


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